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StoryWeaver is a digital initiative by Pratham Books, India's largest education-focused NGO. It gives kids access to 19,000+ stories in 234 languages around the world. This open-source platform lets contributors create, translate, and illustrate stories/books for free. 

My Role

Lead Designer, User Experience & Visual Design  

Collaborated With

CEO, Director of Stragety Educaters, Frontend and Backend Engineers 


10 months

Product Type

Website / Web App

The Problem
What is the problem?

Learning to read is an essential step for education. A lot of children in India struggle to get access to the book in their native languages due to lack of materials available. Limited means to quality content sets learning back.


There is a lack of good content with quality translations across many schools around the nation


Hight-cost books make access to educational material is a pain point for education institutes, parents and literacy organizations.


Many texts fail to ignite the curiosity to learn in children because the content is often just cerebral 

The Intervention
The Intervention, StoryWeaver  

StoryWeaver, an online open-source platform dedicated to educating kids thought stories   

StroryWeaver's mission is a book in every child's hand. They're trying to fulfill it by increasing access to books, inspiring kids to learn through stories, onboarding publishers who create native language content, and most importantly, leveraging some communities to elevate others. 

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StoryWeaver's Challenges  

On their mission to create impact & grow, StoryWeaver faced some challenges, which were we stepped in 


Increase the number of reads and improve reading experience on the platform


Personalise Homepage & improve discoverability


Optimise and design features focused for educators and SW community


Reviewing & rating for community reviewer & gathering feedback from readers 


Reach out to people in the rural area with low means of connectivity

Their Challenges
The Process

Mapping the Website and features to understand existing IA

Mapping the flows of all the existing features and the website was our first step in redesigning the platform. Workflow Mapping provided us with more context about the product, how it worked, and what the existing information architecture looked like. 

We mapped all the old workflows and pitched new ones that would improve the experience on the website depending on what type of user was browsing

Whiteboarding to ideate after getting insights from StoryWeave's teams

StoryWeaver had already done some rounds of research & and testing before engaging with us. The outreach team also interacted with educators in school and literacy organizations and was up to date with their needs and demands. 

Since Pratham Book is a publishing house, the needs and concerns of content creators were also accounted for. Collaborating with various stakeholders was crucial to validate if were making the right design trade-offs

The Process
The Solutions
Solutions & Key Features


Improving the reading & experience by redesigning UI & prioritising functions for power users 

StoryWeaver was home to many beautiful, high-quality digital books however the experience of finding a book wasn't easy. There were many ways one could filter their search for a book but those important parameters were not leveraged, they got lost if the business of the UI & the amount of content. 


To improve the reading experience we replaced some text with visual indicators. That would make it easier to scan books.  We made it easier for readers to quickly scan levels, and languages and maintained functionality through a hover menu. The new UI also showcased the amazing illustrations. 

Old Book UI


New Book UI

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Reading categories were added to make it easier for people to find content for the genres they liked. The quick read function gave readers the ability to take a quick look at the book description & more entry points to new content were added to the book details page to give the readers custom recommendations. 


Personalizing the Home page by curating content for all users & encouraging discovery 

StoryWeaver home page was rich in content but only on one kind. The platform hosted many campaigns, events and wrote amazing blogs about impact, education and their work in education. All of which was buried in under several clicks. 

From landing on an endless page full of content 

The Home page of the platform was just an endless scroll of books with the ability to filter content. 


To a curated experience with a variety of content 

The new home page featured StoryWeaver's recommended books, their blog, campaign banners with CTAs, and curated content for returning readers and creators


Designing for educators and StoryWeaver community's needs by featuring Lists & Personal Library

Reading lists quickly became a community & educator's favorite feature. Educators and parents could access reading lists especially made by publishing houses for educators. This saves educators a lot of time as they don't have to individually search for books and download them one by one. 

With reading lists, they can do a bulk download, save the list to their off-line library, and even create their own private list also known as a Personal Library 


Reviewing & rating for community reviewers & gathering feedback from readers 

Simplifying reviewing for Community Reviewers  

A committee of reviewers vets the content that is published on the platform. They had to fill out a long multiple-choice questionnaire for each book, even the ones that were of good quality. Now the reviewer only had to answer those questions if given a low rating. 

15e-Volunteer Community Rating (Translat
15g- Community Rating Post Rating Messga

Reviewing & Rating for Readers on the platform 

Getting feedback from people doesn't only benefit StoryWeaver but also the user, their ratings affect their recommendations. We also suggest more stories to read after they rate one to reward them with personal recommendations

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Reach out to people in rural area with low means of connectivity

My places in India don't have connectivity or Wifi. Most schools don't have the internet to access books online. For communities that only get access to the internet once a week or so, this feature is perfect. It allows people to save books when they're online and later access them even when they don't have any connectivity. 

Key Takeaway

Having collaborated with multiple internal teams on this project, I learned that while it's important to account for their needs, it's equally important to challenge them to differentiate between what is a need vs a demand.  While collaborating with cross-functional teams, pushback from teams was a part of the process. It's also a critical part because it encourages people to think critically people and have strong reasons to defend their choices.

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